A virus is a self-replicating piece of software which generally sends itself to other computers via email or the web. It does not need human intervention. Its objective is to replicate, cause computer damage, or both. It typically comes from infected mails or files and may either do its damage straight away, or be like a ticking time bomb waiting for the special day to trigger.
Examples of viruses:
Boot viruses such As Michelangelo and Disc Killer load once the computer reads the disc. This sort of virus is extremely tricky to eliminate. Software viruses attach themselves into the executable programs on the pc and replicate themselves to all executables on the hard disk. Again, these are extremely tricky to remove. Examples include the Sunday Virus and Cascade Virus.
Stealth viruses control File sizes to prevent detection. Examples include the Whale virus and the Frodo virus. Polymorphic viruses alter when they replicate so they do not look the same to antivirus software or humans trying to see them. Examples include the Stimulate virus and Virus 101.
Macro Viruses infect Microsoft Office files and others and infects the normal.dot file the template which opens with Word if you do not open a document. These viruses infect every document that is opened from the program, and reproduces itself to other computers when infected documents are shared. Examples include the DMV and Nuclear viruses.
Spyware is a general term for Malware that is installed on a computer by infected WebPages on the World Wide Web, or comes from applications and other packages that has been installed on the computer by the user. This sort of software is what this record will concentrate on.
Spyware can come in the form of Ad-ware, Hijackers, tracking cookies although not all of tracking cookies are poor, rogue security applications, ransom-ware an innovative rogue security applications and key loggers for pornographic virus alert from microsoft. New kinds of spyware include root kits that could be quite hard, if not impossible to remove from a computer program. I will talk more on that later. The principal purpose of spyware, however, is it is a piece of software installed on a computer system without the user’s permission or knowledge, and is typically very hard or apparently difficult to eliminate.
Many spyware programs are installed by means of Trojans where a piece of software is installed on the computer from the web. The spyware is installed by the user at exactly the exact same time as the software providing the malware free reign of their pc. Software that installs this manner includes free screensavers, free games, apps from torrents, programs from document sharing like Lime wire, and other rogue program.